React Native
Duration | 30 hours
React Native is a JavaScript framework used for developing a real, native mobile application for iOS and Android. It uses only JavaScript to build a mobile application. It is like React, which uses native component rather than using web components as building blocks.
Good knowledge of Javascript

Course Objectives
React Native is an excellent framework that cuts down both learning and delivery time and allows you to quickly build and ship the dream app you always wanted to build.
Things you will learn
We help our students at every stage, from the start of a course to the actual skill-building technique. Our curriculum covers the following.
The React Native Toolchain
- Setting Up Your Development Environment
- Writing ES6 with Babel
- Organizing Project Files
- Dealing with Catastrophic Failure
Living in the React Native Ecosystem
- Stop Repeating Yourself: Implement Custom Components
- Adding an Open Source Progress Bar
- Sharing Custom Components
- Routing Between Login Screens
- Using Redux for Global State
- Management in Redux
Style and Design
- Composing Stylesheets
- Building Flexible Layouts with Flexbox
- Importing Image Vectors and Icons
- Looping Animations
Managing Hardware Platforms
- Asking for Permission to Use Device Hardware (iOS)
- Fetching Paginated Requests
- Save Application State with Redux and Local Storage
- Using the Filesystem
Lift Off! Sharing Your App
- Automate Publishing Your App
- Sharing Your iOS App with Beta Testers
- Configuring Application Settings
React JS component life cycles overview
- Initial Render
- Props Change
- Stage Change
- Component willMount
- Component didMount
- Component Unmount
- Applying Different Lifecylces in the Application
- When to choose Appropriate lifecycles
Routing in React JS and Other JS Concepts
- Single Page Application Overview
- How to configure React Router?
- History of Router
- How to Handle Conditional statement in JSX?
- IIFE in JSX for a complex logic overview
- Create a Single Page Application
- Applying Routing
- Dynamically render the components based on the url
Event Handling in JSX
- onBlur, onKeyUp, onChange and other useful primary events in React JS
- How to Share events between the components?
- Communicate Data between components
- Applying all lists of events
How to write styles in React JS?
- CSS and inline styles in React JS overview
- Introduction to styled components
- Styling the application using styled component
- How to use Animations in the Application
React router with navigation
- How to Load the router library?
- Configure the React Router?
- How to Pass and receive parameters?
- Integration of React-cookie overview
Flux, Redux Overview
- What is Flux Architecture?
- What are the Flux Components available?
- Stores
- Dispatchers
- View Controllers
- Actions
- Views
- How Flux works?
- Flux and React works together
- Introduction to One Store
- Provider Component
- Actions
- Reducers
View Controllers
Redux application Development with Real-time Project
Unit Testing Overview
- What are the necessary Tools required for Unit Testing?
- React Unit Testing overview
- Introduction to JEST
- How to Test React Component?
- How to Test React Router?
Integration with other libraries
- Gulp &Browserify
- React with jQuery
- React & AJAX
React Server Integration & Deployment
- https
- httpster
- npm