Duration | 60 hours
Python is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language with high-level programming capabilities. It has become famous because of its apparent and easily understandable syntax, portability, and easy to learn. Python is a programming language that includes features of C and Java. It provides the style of writing an elegant code like C, and for object-oriented programming, it offers classes and objects like Java.
The prerequisite for learning Python is basic knowledge of computer programming

Course Objectives
By learning the python programming languages, you can excel in multiple fields
– Scientific and mathematical computing
– Computer graphics’
– game development
– Finance and trading
– Security and penetration testing
– Mapping and geography
– System automation and administration’
– Web developments
– General and application-specific scripting
Things you will learn
We help our students at every stage, from the start of a course to the actual skill-building technique. Our curriculum covers the following.
Module 1: An Introduction to Python
- What can Python do?
- Why Python?
- Good to know
- Python Syntax compared to other programming languages
- Python Install
Module 2: Beginning Python Basics
- The print statement
- Comments
- Python Data Structures & Data Types
- String Operations in Python
- Simple Input & Output
- Simple Output Formatting
- Operators in python
Module 3: Python Program Flow
- Indentation
- The If statement and its’ related statement
- An example with if and it’s related statement
- The while loop
- The for loop
- The range statement
- Break &Continue
- Assert
Module 4: Functions& Modules
- Create your own functions
- Functions Parameters
- Variable Arguments
- Scope of a Function
- Function Documentations
- Lambda Functions & map
– n Exercise with functions
– Create a Module
– Standard Modules
Module 5: Exceptions Handling
- Errors
- Exception handling with try
- handling Multiple Exceptions
- Writing your own Exception
Module 6: File Handling
- File handling Modes
- Reading Files
- Writing& Appending to Files
- Handling File Exceptions
Module 7: Classes In Python
- New Style Classes
- Creating Classes
- Instance Methods
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Exception Classes & Custom Exceptions
Module 8: Generators and iterators
- Iterators
- Generators
- The Functions any and all
- With Statement
Module 9: Data Structures
- List Comprehensions
- Nested List Comprehensions
- Dictionary Comprehensions
- Functions
- Default Parameters
- Variable Arguments
- Specialized Sorts
Module 10: Collections
- namedtuple()
- deque
- ChainMap
- Counter
- OrderedDict
- defaultdict
- UserDict
- UserList
- UserString
Module 11: Writing GUIs in Python (Tkinter)
- Introduction
- Components and Events
- An Example GUI
- The root Component
- Adding a Button
- Entry Widgets
- Text Widgets
- Check buttons
Module 12: Python SQL Database Access
- Introduction
- Installation
- DB Connection
- Creating DB Table
- COMMIT & ROLLBACK operation
- Handling Errors
Module 13: Network Programming
- Introduction
- A Daytime Server
- Clients and Servers
- The Client Program
- The server Program
Module 14: Date and Time
- Sleep
- Program execution time
- More methods on date/time
Module 15: Few more topics in-detailed
- Filter
- Map
- Reduce
- Decorators
- Frozen set
- Collections
Module 16: Regular Expression
- Split
- Working with special characters, date, emails
- Quantifiers
- Match and find all
- Character sequence and substitute
- Search Method
Module 17: Threads ESSENTIAL
- Class and threads
- Multi-threading
- Synchronization
- Treads Life cycle
- use cases
Module 18: Accessing API ESSENTIAL
- Introduction
- Facebook Messenger
- Openweather
Module 19: DJANGO
- Django Overview
- Django Installation
- Creating a Project
- Usage of Project in depth Discussion
- Creating an Application
- Understanding Folder Structure
- Creating a Hello World Page
- Database and Views
- Static Files and Forms
- API and Security
- Live Project