Masters in Digital Marketing

Duration | 60 hours

The training course will assist participants in becoming ready to plan and direct the implementation of digital and social media marketing strategies for their businesses.
Additionally, it will help students comprehend how to combine the many features of digital marketing and use them to start multi-channel, multi-media campaigns. They can advance their careers in digital marketing by participating in this programme.

Course Objectives

The program’s goal is to teach students/entrepreneurs the fundamentals of transforming digital business models and assist them in developing digital strategies for driving innovation and digital transformation.

Things you will learn

We help our students at every stage, from the start of a course to the actual skill-building technique. Our curriculum covers the following.

Display Advertising to Target your Audience

  • Structure
  • Objectives
  • How display ads work
  • What is a CMS?
  • What types of CMS are available?
  • Cross-channel integration
  • Applying logic to a CMS
  • Customer at the center
  • What is an ad server?
  • What is its role?
  • How do first-party and third-party ad servers work?
  • First-party ad servers
  • Third-party ad servers
  • How does an ad server processes data (information)?
  • Cookies
  • Functions
  • Targeted digital marketing
  • Not everybody likes cookies
  • Display advertising formats
  • Most relevant metrics for online campaigns
  • What is direct response marketing?
  • How do you realize that you are facing some direct response action?
  • What is branding?
  • What are the benefits of branding?
  • Conversions
  • Rate of conversions
  • Conversion cost
  • Clicks
  • Click through rate (CTR)
  • Total cost
  • Pricing models for display advertising
  • Performance-based pricing
  • Impression-based pricing
  • Mobile ads: The revolution becomes the standard
  • Problems with current display ads
  • Adblockers: An opportunity for native advertising
  • Viewability
  • Creating a first campaign in Google AdWords
  • Different display advertising sales models
  • Direct (premium) advertising
  • Ad networks
  • Ad exchanges
  • Run a display advertising campaign
  • Direct sale/Premium display advertising
  • Buying through an ad network
  • Buying through an ad exchange
  • Guide on ads, banners, and display campaigns in Google Ads
  • What is the Google Display Network for?
  • Display and CTR campaigns
  • Guide to create display campaigns
  • Select the correct bid for the campaign
  • Types of segmentation (Display orientations)
  • Steps to create remarketing campaigns in display advertising
  • Handle the display planner well
  • Budget and profitability in Display Network
  • Display ad formats
  • Tips for designing effective banners
  • Important reports
  • How to optimize ads and campaigns of Display Network
  • What is publicity?
  • Advertising format for performance marketing
  • What is video marketing? What are the trends and
  • benefits in social networks?
  • Choose a video campaign subtype
  • Set up a budget
  • Networks
  • Language, location, and date
  • Why can some ads be skipped and others not?
  • Advanced settings: Limitation, programming, and exclusions
  • Selecting campaign in Google Ads
  • Conclusion

Create a Campaign in Digital Marketing

  • Structure
  • Objective
  • Email marketing
  • How to attract subscribers?
  • Contact forms
  • What fields should your contact form have?
  • Objective
  • Explain what the company will do with the information
  • What to do to avoid turning your email campaign into spam?
  • What is spam?
  • What international standard can we use as a reference?
  • Recommendations and good practices
  • What is unsolicited mail (SPAM?
  • Permission to send emails (opt-in subscriptions)
  • What is the opt or unsubscribe?
  • MailChimp
  • How do I create an account in MailChimp?
  • Confgure MailChimp forms
  • First steps
  • Basic form
  • Subscription process
  • Insert form on the web
  • Create an email campaign
  • Objectives
  • Remember
  • Email body
  • Elements of an email
  • Pre-header
  • Header
  • Links and social
  • Footer
  • Call to action
  • How to write an email copy
  • Define your goals for an email
  • Call to action
  • Focused on client
  • Keep it brief and simple
  • The long emails that touch
  • Union emails must convey important information
  • Visual design
  • What is a responsive email design and why is it so important?
  • Action buttons
  • Above the fold
  • Size and shape also matter
  • High quality images
  • Create an email plan
  • How to create an email marketing campaign with MailChimp
  • Create and add tags
  • See tags
  • See common tags that have contacts
  • Build an email calendar schedule
  • Automate your campaigns with MailChimp
  • What is ‘Automation’ from MailChimp?
  • Types of automation
  • Advantages of using ‘Automation’
  • Transactional emails
  • What is a transactional email?
  • Private recipients
  • Attached files
  • Removal links
  • Shipping time
  • Why you should send transactional emails
  • Running targeted Facebook campaigns using MailChimp
  • What is bounce?
  • Types of Bounce
  • Soft rebound or soft bounce rate
  • Targeted target emails
  • Advantages of this type of marketing emails
  • Type of bounces
  • Doppler bounces
  • Email marketing metrics
  • Opening rate
  • Click rate
  • Opening click rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Rebound rate

Create a Campaign in Digital Marketing

  • Bounce rate
  • Hard Bounces
  • Soft Bounces
  • How to measure the conversion rate in email marketing
  • CTR (Click Through Rate)
  • Fill out a form
  • Downloads
  • Coupons or discount vouchers
  • Buy
  • Subscription to the blog
  • How to measure the conversion rate in email marketing
  • Parameter URL
  • Landing page
  • Promotional code
  • How to know what percentage of conversion is correct?
  • Analyze the metrics
  • Capture of potential clients
  • Conversion of clients
  • Retention of your active clients
  • Recovery of inactive clients
  • Abstracts by emails
  • Targeted target emails
  • Sponsored emails
  • Opportunity care emails
  • Conclusion

Jobs in Digital Marketing

  • Introduction
  • Structure
  • Objectives
  • Discover how to be a professional specialized in content marketing
  • The training of content marketing professionals
  • Four roles of content marketing
  • SEO Specialist
  • Content analyst
  • Email marketing specialist
  • Social media analyst Skills
  • What is a content director doing?
  • Responsibilities
  • How to become a content director?
  • Knowledge and skills
  • Bonus – Distinctive features and qualities
  • Social Media Essential Skills
  • Jobs in social media marketing
  • Jobs in social media advertising
  • Skills that employers value
  • Jobs in display advertising
  • How do you find people who want display advertising skills?
  • Responsibilities of a digital/marketing account manager in an agency
  • Jobs in email marketing
  • How do you find email marketing jobs?
  • Segmentation
  • Creation of campaigns and nutrition flows
  • Metric analysis
  • Tool configuration
  • What are the skills that an email marketing analyst should have?
  • Responsibilities
  • Requirements
  • Questions for the interview
  • Email marketing offers more proximity
  • Email marketing extends your reach
  • Jobs in digital marketing analytics
  • What is a digital analyst?
  • What does the digital analytics manager do?
  • What training should an analyst have?
  • What is big data?

Jobs in Digital Marketing

  • The skills and profile of a professional big data
  • How to use big data in your digital marketing strategy?
  • Analyzing the big data context
  • Why is it important to use big data in your digital marketing campaigns?
  • Profile of the big data professional
  • Generation of data
  • Analysis of data
  • Professional big data exits
  • How do you find people who want analytics skills?
  • What is Machine Learning?
  • Career networking
  • What is networking?
  • How to do networking successfully
  • Think of your goal
  • Establish contact previously
  • Not everything is work
  • Take care of your previous image
  • Collaborate
  • It is important to remember after networking
  • Things to avoid
  • Elevator pitches
  • Create an elevator pitch and complete a job interview
  • Tips on how to prepare an elevator pitch
  • Personal branding
  • Who are you?
  • Where would you like to go?
  • Look for models to follow
  • How to create your personal brand strategy step by step?
  • Personal stories
  • Getting hired
  • Pitching to a recruiter
  • And how to prepare an elevator pitch?
  • What is LinkedIn?
  • Why is LinkedIn important?
  • Find connections
  • Join groups
  • How to build your LinkedIn profile
  • Tips for an awesome LinkedIn profile

Jobs in Digital Marketing

  • Find other networking platforms
  • How to stand out on LinkedIn
  • LinkedIn goals
  • Concerns for undergraduates on LinkedIn
  • Quick tips
  • Marketing your professional LinkedIn profile
  • Don’t be shy on LinkedIn
  • Join a LinkedIn group to build your reputation
  • LinkedIn for job seekers
  • Spelling and grammar must be correct
  • Conciseness
  • Simplicity and naturalness
  • Coherence
  • Top section
  • LinkedIn network – How to expand it with quality contacts
  • Take advantage of face-to-face networking
  • Search for people on LinkedIn using filters
  • Who you are?
  • What can you contribute?
  • Projects
  • Where to put the professional experience in the CV?
  • When to put the experience first?
  • When to put the experience after the training?
  • How to describe your experience?
  • How to make a résumé without experience?
  • Conclusion

Specialization Modules in Digital Marketing | LinkedIn Marketing

Duration | 12 hours

The LinkedIn marketing course takes you through the nuances of establishing a solid presence and the various ways of prospecting through hands-on demos.


Basic understanding of LinkedIn platform

Course Objectives

Create a system that generated consistent email leads from LinkedIn. Create an optimized LinkedIn profile. Find and connect with the right target audience for your business.

Things you will learn

We help our students at every stage, from the start of a course to the actual skill-building technique. Our curriculum covers the following.

Part 01

  • Why do you need a marketing plan for LinkedIn
  • The Most Effective Platform for Marketers to Engage Professionals
  • Market to Who Matters
  • Content is Key
  • Why is All of This Content Engagement So Important?
  • Content Strategy: Organic + Paid
  • Meeting Your Objectives

Part 02

  • Content & campaign best practices
  • Campaign Naming
  • How LinkedIn Marketing Solutions
  • A/B Tests & Measures Results
  • Bidding & Budget Management
  • What We’ve Learned From Our Always-on Content Approach
  • LinkedIn Sponsored Content Best Practices
  • LinkedIn Sponsored InMail
  • Text Ads Best Practices
  • LinkedIn Conversion Tracking

Part 03

  • How we use targeting
  • Aligning Content & Targeting Strategies
  • Driving Personalization
  • Targeting by Titles & Skills

Part 04

  • Your top LinkedIn advertising questions answered

Specialization Modules in Digital Marketing | YouTube Marketing

Duration | 12 hours

YouTube Marketing course will give you in-depth knowledge on how to increase subscriber count and get your video content to rank higher. Learn YouTube marketing to deploy the best practices in this field to boost video views utilizing YouTube SEO, recommendations, YouTube Ads, and YouTube Live.


YouTube marketing course has been designed to cater to beginners.

Course Objectives

You will learn all about creating impressive videos and drive users and viewers. We will provide you with skills and knowledge of measuring YouTube marketing strategy effectiveness with various analytics. You will use a variety of the latest tools, techniques and strategies.

Things you will learn

We help our students at every stage, from the start of a course to the actual skill-building technique. Our curriculum covers the following.



Videos and Thumbnails





  • Revenue Reports
  • Ad Rates Report
  • Watch Time Report
  • Engagement Reports
  • Real-Time Reports

Specialization Modules in Digital Marketing | Instagram Marketing

Duration | 12 hours

It’s easy enough to use Instagram, but harder to use it successfully. Learn how to put together an Instagram marketing strategy that will make a real difference for your business. In this course, you’ll learn what a successful Instagram strategy looks like, how to develop and analyze Instagram content and how to promote that content with Instagram ads.


It is recommended that learners have a basic understanding of digital marketing concepts.

Course Objectives

Strengthen engagement strategies for increased brand loyalty. Increase customer satisfaction and positive brand perception. Convert social followers into qualified leads and new business.

Things you will learn

We help our students at every stage, from the start of a course to the actual skill-building technique. Our curriculum covers the following.


  • What is Instagram?
  • Basics of Instagram
  • Advantages of Using Instagram

Business Strategy

  • Ideas to Flip-up Instagram
  • Eyeing Your Competitors
  • Schedule Instagram Posts
  • Paid Instagram Campaigns

Installation & Sign Up

  • Navigating through Instagram
  • Instagram Terms
  • Optimizing Instagram Profile

Posting & Engaging

  • Post Photos and Videos
  • Foster Engagement
  • Interact with the Community
  • Instagram Marketing

Activity Review

Fine tuning content

  • Linking Social Platforms
  • Adding Filters
  • Utilizing Hashtags
  • Monitoring Location Tags
  • Reposting

Marketing tools & Apps

  • Apps to Assist Instagram Posts

Integrate with other platforms

  • Embedding Pictures on Website
  • Create and Embed Badges
  • Learning Widgets
  • Instagram with Facebook


  • Tracking and Analysis Tools
  • Calculating Success

Specialization Modules in Digital Marketing | Email Marketing

Duration | 12 hours

Email Marketing course takes you through advanced marketing strategies used to create effective advertisements. As you learn email marketing, you will develop an in-depth understanding on how to promote a product or service as well as solicit sales.


There are no prerequisites to learn email marketing. This Advanced Email Marketing course has been designed to cater to beginners. However, it’s recommended to have a basic working knowledge of HTML, internet usage, and Microsoft Office.

Course Objectives

Use email communication to draw more traffic to your website.
Contribute toward building brand awareness.
Understand the subtle and intricate details of effective email marketing.
Learn how to build an email list and email campaigns efficiently.

Things you will learn

We help our students at every stage, from the start of a course to the actual skill-building technique. Our curriculum covers the following.


  • What is Email Marketing?
  • Why Should We Do Email Marketing?
  • How to Do Email Marketing
  • Pros & Cons of Email Marketing

Mailing List

  • What Is a Mailing List?
  • Collection of Emails
  • How the Best Sites Gain Signups

Organizing the mailing list

  • Formatting Emails
  • Validation
  • Opt-in
  • Opt-out

HTML & Text emails


  • Promotional Newsletters


Event Invitation

Email content

  • Email Copywriting
  • Personalized Emails
  • Formula of KISS – Keep it Simple, Stupid
  • Effective Email Signature

Landing Pages

  • Why Use Landing Pages?
  • The Ideal Landing Page

Spam compliance

  • What is CAN-SPAM?
  • Is your Email Spam Compliance?

How to avoid Spamming

  • SPAM Testing

Avoid being blacklisted

  • Check if You are Blacklisted?
  • What to Do If Blacklisted?

Service Providers

  • Where Email Marketing Industry is Standing?
  • Service Provider Pricing
  • Comparison of Service Provider
  • Email Validation Service
  • Email Marketing

Email automation

  • Scheduling
  • Tracking

Email metrics

  • Segmentation
  • Analytics & Tracking

Follow ups

  • Strengthen Relationships with Email Marketing

Email marketing tips

  • How to Manage a Mailing List?
  • How to Validate Emails
  • Software that I Use

Email marketing certifications

  • Salesforce
  • University of San Francisco

Specialization Modules in Digital Marketing | Twitter Marketing

Duration | 12 hours

The Introduction to Twitter Marketing course will give you a comprehensive understanding on how to use Twitter as an effective marketing tool for your brand or company. Learn the basics of Twitter marketing, customer service engagement via Twitter, and various ad and hashtag options through hands-on demos.


Marketing Managers
Content writers
Digital Marketing Executives

Course Objectives

Use email communication to draw more traffic to your website.
Contribute toward building brand awareness.
Understand the subtle and intricate details of effective email marketing.
Learn how to build an email list and email campaigns efficiently.

Things you will learn

We help our students at every stage, from the start of a course to the actual skill-building technique. Our curriculum covers the following.


  • What is Twitter?
  • How Can I Use Twitter for
  • Marketing?
  • Twitter Terminology

Account & Profile

  • Creating a Twitter Account
  • Tips on Selecting a Username
  • Twitter Account Profile
  • Twitter Account Profile Elements
  • Tips on Creating a Twitter Marketing Profile
  • Twitter Profile Visuals
  • Customizing a Twitter Profile
  • Customizing a Twitter Profile with Premade Theme

The followers

  • Components of Twitter
  • Why am I on Twitter?
  • Considerations to Follow Others on Twitter

Plain tweets

  • Sending a Tweet from Twitter
  • Deleting a Tweet

Image & Video posts

  • Sharing Images on Twitter
  • Tagging People in Twitter
  • Twitter Video Posts
  • Sharing Videos on Twitter
  • Recording a Video on Twitter
  • Deleting or Editing the Video before
  • Tweeting
  • Tweeting an Imported Video
  • Watching Videos on Twitter
  • Stopping Auto Played Videos on Twitter
  • Important Notes on Twitter Videos

Embeddable tweets


  • Considerations of Using Hashtags in Twitter
  • Types of Twitter Hashtags


  • How to Recognize Re-Tweets?
  • Where do Retweets Appear?
  • Turning Retweets Off
  • Undoing or Deleting Retweets
  • Twitter Marketing
  • Why Can’t Some Tweets be Retweeted?


  • Creating Lists on Twitter
  • Updating Twitter Lists
  • Finding Out Which Twitter List I am on
  • Finding a List URL on Twitter
  • Viewing Tweets from a List
  • Editing Twitter Lists
  • Subscribing to Others’ Lists

Useful features

  • Multiple Twitter Accounts
  • Tweet Pinning
  • URL Shorteners in Twitter
  • Posting Links in a Tweet

Twitter Marketing | Twitter Search

  • Searching on Twitter
  • Using Advance Search on Twitter

Twitter cards

  • Website Attribution
  • Creator Attribution
  • Implementing Twitter Cards
  • Summary Cards
  • Product Cards
  • Player Cards

Defining Strategy

  • What Should I Share on Twitter?
  • Knowing Performance of Tweets
  • Building the Brand on Twitter
  • Boosting Business Credibility on Twitter

Reputation management

  • Using Google Alerts for Reputation Management
  • Using IFTTT for Reputation Management
  • Thumb Rules for Brand Discussion on Twitter

Managing Conversions

  • Importance of Conversion Tracking
  • Setting up Conversion Tracking
  • Conversion Tracking Best Practices


  • Automating Tweets by Streaming External Information
  • Automation Etiquette Tips for Twitter
  • Useful Tools for Twitter

Native Analytics

  • Accessing Twitter Analytics


  • HootSuite for Twitter

Specialization Modules in Digital Marketing | Mobile Marketing

Duration | 12 hours

Mobile marketing training is important for any aspiring digital marketer to develop an understanding of how mobile can be an effective means of marketing communications.


This Mobile Marketing course has been designed to cater to both beginners and experienced.

Course Objectives

The core objective of mobile marketing is to reach target consumers and engage them on their mobile communication devices via multiple channels.

Things you will learn

We help our students at every stage, from the start of a course to the actual skill-building technique. Our curriculum covers the following.


  • Why Mobile Marketing?

Technology & reach

  • Mobile Marketing Technology & Reach


  • Components of Twitter
  • Why am I on Twitter?
  • Considerations to Follow Others on Twitter


  • Sending a Tweet from Twitter
  • Deleting a Tweet

SMS Campaigns

  • What is SMS Campaign?
  • How does SMS Campaign Work?
  • Benefits of SMS Campaign

Marketing strategies

  • What is Mobile Website?
  • How does Mobile Website Work?
  • Benefits of Mobile Website

Mobile Apps Marketing Strategies

  • What is a Mobile App?
  • How does a Mobile App Work?
  • Benefits of Mobile App

Mobile Advertising Ecosystem

  • What is Mobile Advertisement Ecosystem?
  • How does Mobile Advertisement Work?
  • Benefits of Mobile Advertisement

Mobile Social Media Marketing

  • Mobile Marketing
  • What is Mobile Social Media Marketing?
  • How does Mobile Social Media Marketing Work?
  • Benefits of Mobile Social Media Marketing

Mobile Email Marketing

  • What is Mobile Email Marketing?
  • How does Mobile Email Marketing Work?
  • Benefits of Mobile Email Marketing

M - Commerce

  • What is M-Commerce?
  • How does M-Commerce Work?
  • Benefits of M-Commerce

Understanding Mobile users

  • Mobile Users – Statistics
  • Ways to Know Your Mobile Audience

Mobile Marketing ROI

We’re here to answer any questions you might have!

We look forward to hearing from you

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