Java Frameworks | Hibernate & Springboot

Duration | 80 hours

The core features of the Spring Framework can be used in developing any Java application, but there are extensions for building web applications on top of the Java EE platform. Spring framework targets to make J2EE development easier to use and promotes good programming practices by enabling a POJO-based programming model.


Should have prior programming knowledge in Core Java and Advanced Java

Course Objectives

To advance your Java programming skills required to build robust, performant, scalable, and enterprise-ready applications. This is a must do course for anyone looking to master the Java programming language!

Things you will learn

We help our students at every stage, from the start of a course to the actual skill-building technique. Our curriculum covers the following.

Tools and Frameworks Hibernate Architecture

  • Introduction
  • Features of Hibernate
  • Hibernate Architecture
  • Setting up Hibernate Development Environment
  • The transformation begins with the transaction: Hibernate Transactions
  • Connection Pooling in Hibernate
  • Fed up of operating on tables and columns? HQL
  • HQL V/s SQL Operations
  • When you change the way, you look at things, the things you look at change: Hibernate Configuration with annotations
  • Hibernate CRUD Features: Create, Read, Update, Delete & Bulk Operations
  • Ideas are the primary key for your success: Primary Key Generation Algorithms
  • The object-relationships are the hallmark of fine-mapping: Hibernate Advanced Mappings
    – One to One
    – One to Many
    – Eager V/s Lazy Loading
    – One to Many – Unidirectional
    – Many to Many

Maven You’re either the one that creates the automation or you’re getting automated

  • Introduction
  • The architecture of Project Management tool
  • Pom.xml
  • Different types of Plugins
  • Maven root folder
  • Commands

The more centralized the power, the less compromises need to be made in architecture

  • Dependency Management
  • Dependency Jar Configuration
  • Dependency Scopes
  • Archetype in Maven
  • JDBC application using Maven
  • Servlet application using Maven

Log4j Capture the moments of today that will wow your hearts tomorrow

  • Introduction
  • Features of Log4j
  • Configuration
  • Basic Application
  • Appenders
  • Log4j in web applications

JUNIT Quality is not an act, it is a habit

  • Unit Testing
    – Manual Testing
    – Automated Unit Testing
    – Limitations
    – Annotation of Junit
    – Application with Maven tool
    – Assert

Spring Basics

  • Introduction to Spring
  • History of Spring
    – Spring 1x
    – Spring 2.x
    – Spring 3.x
    – Spring 4.x
    – Spring 5.x
  • Bean
    – Definition of Bean
    – Types of Beans
    – XML
    – Java Based
    – Annotations Based
    – Bean Life Cycle
    – Bean

Spring ORM

  • Need of spring ORM
  • Spring + hibernate
  • Spring + JPA
  • Annotations
  • Spring DataJPA

Spring Advanced

  • AutoWiring
  • Spring Expression Language
  • Event Handling using Springs
  • Spring with JDBC
  • Spring AOP
  • Spring Transaction
  • Spring Mail
  • Spring Security
  • Spring Rest
  • SpringBoot
  • Project

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