HTML5 | CSS3 | Bootstrap

Duration | 60 hours

The Hypertext Markup Language or HTML is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript.


Basic Computer Knowledge with the use of Notepad, web browsers and knowledge about the Internet

Course Objectives

  • Understand the principles of creating an effective web page, including an in-depth consideration of information architecture
  • Become familiar with graphic design principles that relate to web design and learn how to implement theories into practice
  • Develop skills in analyzing the usability of a website
  • Learn the language of the web: HTML and CSS
  • Be able to embed social media content into web pages

Things you will learn

We help our Franchise partners at every stage in setting up THINKWorks center and make it profitable. Our Support systems covers the following.

HTML/CSS The language of the web getting to Know HTML

  • Front End
  • Internet Architecture
  • Client-Server Architecture
  • The language of the web getting to
  • Know HTML
  • Versions of HTML
  • Features of HTML
  • Basic Structure of HTML

Know the Basics with Basic Tags & its Properties

  • Basic Tags
  • Heading Tags
  • Element V/s Tag
  • Attributes
  • Introduction to CSS and its properties

Format and Align the text on web

  • Aligning the elements on a webpage
  • Formatting the elements on a webpage
  • Internal & External CSS
  • Text Properties
  • Block Level and Inline Elements

Meet the Media Multimedia

  • Aligning the elements on a webpage
  • Formatting the elements on a webpage
  • Internal & External CSS
  • Text Properties
  • Block Level and Inline Elements

Connect the webpages

  • Relative path/Absolute path
  • Target attributes and Images as a Link: Link states
  • Text decoration and display properties
  • Download attribute
  • Bookmarking with id
  • Project

Categorize web using Lists

  • Unordered list
  • Ordered List
  • Descriptive list
  • Nested Lists

Outline the web using IFRAMES (Window inside a Window)

  • Creating IFrames
  • Linking Iframes

Disecting the web with CSSBOX

  • Padding
  • Margin
  • Border

Positioning of elements on the web

  • Positioning

Getting Tabular with Tables

  • Creating Tables
  • Spanning Rows & Columns
  • RowGroup & ColGroup

Aligning web using square & rectangles

  • Creating Grid Layout

Pretending as Web Elements

  • Psuedo Elements

Interactive web

  • Creating Forms
  • Text box, radio button, Drop down box
  • Field set, Legend
  • Project

Advanced Web Construction with Semantic Elements

  • Headers and footers
  • Navigation and main
  • Section and article
  • Main and aside
  • Figure and figcaption

Arranging Elements

  • Relative & Position properties & Layout

Movement of Elements

  • Animate
  • Transform properties
  • KeyFrames

To pull oneself up by his bootstraps Introduction & Installation

  • Bootstrap Elements
  • Bootstrap Forms
  • Project

Keeping & Managing Web on Server

  • Hosting of webpage

Ab Job Pakki!! 
Kickstart your career in Web Development

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