Duration | 60 hours
This DevOps certification training will help you master the art and science of improving the development and operational activities of your entire team. With this DevOps course, you will build expertise via hands-on projects in continuous deployment, using configuration management tools such as Puppet, SaltStack, and Ansible.
Fundamentals of Linux and Java
Course Objectives
To make you Understand the benefits of DevOps over other software development processes, gain insights into the DevOps environment, get an overview of different DevOps Tools, get a picture of the working of the DevOps Delivery Pipeline
Things you will learn
We help our students at every stage, from the start of a course to the actual skill-building technique. Our curriculum covers the following.
What is DevOps?
- SDLC modelAgile
- Why Devops?
- History of Devops
- Devops Stakeholders
- Devops Goals
- Important terminology
- Devops perspective
- Devops and Agile
- Devops Tools
- Configuration management
- Continuous Integration and Deployment
- Introduction to Cloud computing
- What is cloud computing
- Characteristics of cloud computing
- Cloud implementation models
- Cloud service models
- Advantages of cloud computing
- Concerns of cloud computing
GIT: Version Control
- Introduction
- What is Git
- About Version Control System and Types
- Difference between CVCS and DVCS
- A short history of GIT
- GIT Basics
- GIT Command Line
– Installing Git
– Installing on Linux
– Installing on Windows
– Initial setup
– Git Essentials - Creating repository
- Cloning, check-in and committing
- Fetch pull and remote
- Branching
- Creating the Branches, switching the branches, merging the branches
- Creating AWS account
- Free tier Eligible services
- Understanding AWS Regions and availability zones
- EC2 ( Elastic Cloud Comput)
- About EC2 and types , Pricing
- EIP ( Elastic IP address), Allocating, associating , releasing
- Launch windows and Linux Instances in AWS
- Connecting windows and Linux instances from windows desktop and
- Linux machines
- S3 ( Simple Storage Service)
- About AWS Storage services, EBS and S3
- Creating S3 Buckets and putting objects in bucket
- Discussion about Bucket Properties
S3 Pricing
- About S3 glecier
- EBS ( Elastic Block Storage)
- Types of EBS Volumes
- Creation, attaching and Detaching volumes
- ELB ( Elastic Load Balancer)
- Understanding the load balancing
- Configuring ELB and adding the webservers under ELB
- Auto Scaling
- Types of Scaling ( Horizontal and Vertical)
- Configuring Launch Configuration
- Creating and defining the auto scaling group policy
- IAM ( Identity Access Management)
- Understanding of AWS Security using IAM
- Definition of Roles, policies and Groups
- Creating IAM Users and managing password policies
- RDS ( Relational Database server)
- About RDS and available RDS Engines in AWS
- Configuring MYSQL RDS service
- Connecting EC2 Instance to RDS Instance
Jenkins – Continuous Integration
- Introduction
- Understanding continuous integration
- Introduction about Jenkins
Build Cycle - Jenkins Architecture
- Installation
- Obtaining and installing Jenkins
- Installing and configuring Jenkins using WAR and RPM
- Java installation and configuration
- Maven Installation
- Exploring Jenkins Dashboard
Jobs - Creating Jobs
- Running the Jobs
- Setting up the global environments for Jobs
- Adding and updating Plugins
- Disabling and deleting jobs
- Build Deployments
- Understanding Deployment
- Tomcat installation and configuration
- Securing Jenkins
- Authentication
- Jenkins Plugin
- Authorization
- Confidentiality
- Creating users
- Best Practices for Jenkins
- Docker– Containers
Jenkins – Continuous Integration
- Introduction
- What is a Docker
- Use case of Docker
- Platforms for Docker
- Dockers vs. Virtualization
- Architecture
- Docker Architecture
- Understanding the Docker components
- Installation
- Installing Docker on Linux
- Understanding Installation of Docker on windows
- Some Docker commands
- Provisioning
- Docker Hub
- Downloading Docker images
- Uploading the images in Docker Registry and AWS ECS
- Understanding the containers
- Running commands in container
- Running multiple containers
- Custom images
- Creating a custom image
- Running a container from the custom image
- Publishing the custom image
- Docker Networking
- Accessing containers
- Linking containers
- Exposing container ports
- Container Routing
- Docker Compose
- Installing The Docker compose
- Terminology in Docker compose
- Build word press site using Docker compose
- Introduction
- Kubernetes Overview
- Setup Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Concepts
- YAML Introduction
- Kubernetes Concepts – PODs, ReplicaSets, Deployments
- Networking in Kubernetes
Services - Microservices Architecture