Duration | 40 hours
Angular is a UI framework for building mobile and desktop web applications. It is built using JavaScript. You can use it to build amazing client-side applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Angular has many improvements over AngularJS.
Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS
Intermediate knowledge of JavaScript

Course Objectives
Angular is used for developing scalable web applications, which is now a must for every business.
Through our hands-on, practical approach, you will get a working knowledge of developing Single Page Apps and creating highly responsive and interactive web pages.
Things you will learn
We help our students at every stage, from the start of a course to the actual skill-building technique. Our curriculum covers the following.
Frontend with Angular
- Introduction
- History of Angular
- Installation of angular
- Angular CLI
- Version of Angular
- Angular Js V/s Angular
Type the Script with Typescript
- Introduction to TypeScript
- TypeScript V/S JavaScript
- Declaring Variables & datatypes using TypeScript
Transforming Multiple Pages into Single Page
- Angular Folder Structure
- Creation of Components
- Using Multiple Components
Bind the Data with Data Binding
- Data Binding Introduction
- Types Of Data Binding
Direct the Single Page
- Working with Class, Styles and Directives
Web Forms
- Template Driven Forms
- TDF Validations
- Reactive Forms
- Reactive Forms Validation
- Creating Service
- Injecting Service to Applications
Parent child communication
- Creation & using Input Decorators
- Creation & using Output Decorators
Setting the Path
- Routing
- WildCard Route
JSON Transmit data on web using HTTP
- Get, post, put and delete methods