Advance java
Duration | 60 hours
Java has been one of the most popular programming language for many years. Java is Object Oriented. However it is not considered as pure object oriented as it provides support for primitive data types (like int, char, etc). Java is used in all kind of applications like Mobile Applications (Android is Java based), desktop applications, web applications, client server applications, enterprise applications and many more.
Should have prior programming knowledge in Core Java
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Course Objectives
The Advanced Java Programming Learning Path is your one-stop guide to mastering recent Java platform updates. It contains detailed explanations of the latest programming advancements and language features introduced from Java 9 onwards. By taking this Leaning Path, you’ll acquire practical guidance on how to apply many of these new features. As you progress through the Learning Path, you’ll discover the key features to help you become more productive.
Things you will learn
We help our students at every stage, from the start of a course to the actual skill-building technique. Our curriculum covers the following.
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)Inception of JDBC
- Introduction
- JDBC Architecture with key interfaces
Thin is the great middleman
- Types of Drivers
Make a statement and make an impact
- Statement
- PreparedStatement
- CallableStatement
Different Avatars of output
- ResultSet
- Read Only ResultSet
- Updatable ResultSet
- Forward Only ResultSet
- Scrollable ResultSet
It is the nature of the self to manifest itself
- Metadata
Swim out of your little pond
- Connection Pooling
- Basic Connection Pooling
- Apache DBCP
- HikariCP
- C3PO
Invest in property
- Properties File in JDBC
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much
- Batch Processing
Validate a Transaction
- ACID Properties
A knee-jerk reaction
- Triggers
Load Data
- ResourceBundle
Always a sweet deal
- Transactions and Savepoint
Function Arsenal
- Stored Procedures
Large Object Types
- Handling Blob and Clob
JEE Introduction to JEE SERVLETS Business class flight to Jakarta
- Introduction to Servlets
- Stand-Alone Applications V/s Enterprise Applications
Internet App
- Web Application Architecture
- HTTP Protocol and HTTP Methods
- Web Server and Web Container
Design is intelligence made visible
- Design Patterns for Web Application
– MVC – 1 (Page-Centric Architecture)
– MVC – 2 (Servlet-Centric Architecture) - Static and Dynamic Response
- Download and Configure Dynamic
- Web Project
- Manual Deployment (CATALINA_HOME)
- Eclipse Auto-deployment
First class service
- Servlet Interface
- GenericServlet&HttpServlet
– doGet() and doPost()
Inception to termination
- Servlet Life Cycle
- ServletConfig and ServletContext
Chain of helping hands
- Servlet Chaining
Servlet-browser communication
- sendError()
- setHeader()
- sendRedirect()
Web-component communication
- forward() and include()
- HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() V/s RequestDispatcher.forward()
- Session Management
What you seek is seeking you
- Session Tracking Mechanisms
- HttpSession
- Cookies
- URL-Rewriting
- Hidden-Form Fields
Take a selfie with the filters
- Filters
Open ears are better than a closed mind
- Listeners and Wrappers
Spyware, malware… beware
- Web-Security
The right server for the right job
- Deploying web applications in application servers
– Apache Tomcat
– Oracle WebLogic Server
– JBoss / WildFly
– GlassFish - Server-based Connection Pooling
File sharing
- File Uploading and File Downloading
JSP Architecture
- Working of JSP Engine (JASPER)
- JSP Lifecycle
- JSP Directives
- JSP Page Directive
- JSP include Directive
- JSP Taglib Directive
Scriptwriters of Java
- JSP Scripting Elements
- Declarations
- Scriplets
- Expressions
The pursuit of happiness is internal
- JSP Implicit Objects
You’re allowed to set boundaries
- JSP Scopes
- Page scopes
- Request scopes
- Session scopes
- Application scopes
Lights, Camera, Action
- JSP actions
- Standard Actions
- Custom Actions
Jakarta has a price tag
- Tags in JSP
Bespoke tailoring
- Custom Tags
- Exception Handling in JSP
JSTL Introduction to JSTL See the able, not the label
- Different Tags in JSTL
- Core Tags
- Function Tags
- XML Tags
- SQL Tags
- Formatted Tags
Beauty without expression is Boring: Expression Language
- Introduction
- EL Implicit Objects
- EL Functions
- Project
Maven Tool
- Maven Build Cycle
- Archetype of Maven
- Importance of Project Object Model File (pom.xml)
- Integration of Maven with Eclipse
Commands of Maven to Run
– Stand-Alone Application
– Web Application - Integrating Maven with Embedded Server (Tomcat)
- Eclipse
- NetBeans
- IntelliJ